Thursday, June 3, 2021

Fwd: Fauci emails

Dr. Fauci mostly unfairly has been used as a punching bag by the political right.  They claim that he has contradicted himself and lied.   Fauci has stated repeatedly that as our scientific understanding of the pandemic changed, so did the advice he gave.  He also changed his advice when the CDC changed its recommendations.  

Fauci has also erred on the side of caution.  In his job, how could he not?  Before we knew if vaccinated people could still spread the disease, he was telling people to still be cautious and follow the CDC guidelines.

Part of the problem is that the political right has all along downplayed the seriousness of this pandemic.  Fourteen months ago I observed how fast this disease was spreading and predicted that millions would die.  Meanwhile, Rush Limbaugh compared COVID-19 to the common cold and other political commentators echoed his opinion.

The point I kept hearing for over a year is that Fauci changed his position on masks.   Back when COVID-19 was barely present in the United States, Fauci was saying that people didn't need to wear masks and that COVID-19 was not that big of a threat to America.  But in March of 2020, the disease exploded in the United States and Fauci changed his recommendation.  Fauci also admitted later that he did not want to see a run on masks that would create a shortage for medical professionals.

For example, I am listening to a radio program right now where the host is bitterly complaining that Fauci stated that masks weren't effective.  Although true, when evidence came out that masks helped stop the spread of the disease, he changed his position.

A couple of Fauci's emails out of thousands show that people were discussing the possibility that this disease came from a lab leak, but he still states that he thinks that this is the less likely possibility.  The reason he gives is that all the previous pandemics came from animal transmission.  Early on, the experts were saying that this did not come from a lab.  We also don't have any evidence that this was a lab leak, mainly because the Chinese government isn't cooperating.  Personally, I don't trust the Chinese government nor do I trust the safety of gain of function research.  We also don't have any evidence that this disease came from an animal.  This is another area where Fauci has changed his position, stating that it is possible that the disease came from a lab.

I have a much bigger problem with Fauci testifying under oath that the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases did not support the gain of function of research in the Wuhan lab.  However, reportedly it did support this research through an intermediary.  That appears to be a problem.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Larry

We came to these conclusions incrementally, spurred by evidence that accumulated over the course of a year. Tonight, we have the mother-load. Thanks to a freedom of information request from Buzzfeed, we have thousands of emails to and from Tony Fauci, going back to the early winter of 2020. Collectively, they show that from the beginning, Fauci was worried the public might conclude that COVID originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Why was Fauci be concerned that Americans would conclude that? Possibly because Tony Fauci knew perfectly well he'd funded gain-of-function experiments at that same laboratory.

The emails prove Fauci lied about this under oath. 

Consider this exchange, which began the evening of January 31, 2020. It was a Friday, just before midnight. 

The first email came from an immunologist called Kristian Andersen, who works at the Scripps Research Institute in California. Andersen warned Fauci that COVID appeared to have been manipulated in a laboratory.  

"The unusual features of the virus make up a really small part of the genome (less than point one percent), so one has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features (potentially) look engineered." 

The next day, on February 1, Tony Fauci wrote back, "Thanks, Kristian. Talk soon on the call."  

Fauci then sent an urgent email to his top deputy, Hugh Auchincloss. The subject of his email, in all-caps, was "IMPORTANT."  

"Hugh: It is essential that we speak this AM. Keep your cell phone on. Read this paper as well as the email that I will forward you know. You will have tasks today that must be done." 

Attached to the email was a document entitled, "Baric, Shi, et al -- Nature Medicine -- SARS Gain of Function.pdf." 

The "Baric" in that attachment refers to Ralph Baric, a virologist based in the United States who collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.  

Baric worked with a woman called Dr. Shi Zhengli -- known as the "Bat Lady," because she manipulates coronaviruses that infect bats. 

Keep in mind that during questioning from Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, Tony Fauci denied that this same Ralph Baric had conducted gain-of-function research. Again, this is the Ralph Baric in Fauci's attachment entitled, "Baric, Shi et al - SARS Gain of Function." Yet, under oath, Fauci denied it: 

DR FAUCI:  Dr. Baric does not do gain function research. And if it is, it's according to the guidelines and it is being conducted in North Carolina…And if you look at the grant and you look at the progress reports, it is not gain function despite the fact that people tweet that.

Oh, it wasn't just on Twitter. It was in Fauci's own emails.

In retrospect, that looks a lot like perjury. We do know that starting early last year, a lot of people at NIH were worried that COVID had not occurred naturally — that it had instead been manipulated in a lab in China – and yet they seemed determined to hide that fact from the public. Why?

On the afternoon of February first last year, Fauci held a conference call with several top virologists. Most of the details of that call remain hidden from public view. They've been redacted. We know the call was related to a document entitled, "coronavirus sequence comparison."  

Jeremy Farrar, a British physician who runs a major research nonprofit, reminded everyone on the call that what they said was top-secret.  

"Information and discussion is shared in total confidence and not to be shared until agreement on next steps," he wrote. 

In other emails, Jeremy Farrar passed along an article from the website ZeroHedge, suggesting that the coronavirus might have been created as a bioweapon.  

We now know that's a more plausible explanation than the one we believed at first and were told by the media which is that coronavirus came from a pangolin.

But for the crime of saying it out loud, a more plausible explanation, ZeroHedge was banned from social media platforms. Until recently, you weren't allowed to suggest that COVID might be manmade.  

Why? The fact-checkers wouldn't allow it. Why wouldn't they? Because Tony Fauci assured the tech monopolies that the coronavirus could not have been manmade. So the tech giants shut down the topic. Fauci lied. 

FAUCI: A group of highly qualified evolutionary virologists looked at the sequences there and the sequences in bats as they evolve, and the mutations that it took to get to the point where it is now is totally consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human.

That was April 17, 2020. Very shortly into the course of this pandemic. At that point, what Tony Fauci just asserted as known could not have conclusively been known. That was a lie. Tony Fauci suggested that he knew because top researchers had decided conclusively, that this must have jumped naturally from an animal to a human being. That was dishonest. 

Two days later, one of the virologists Tony Fauci was funding to conduct dangerous coronavirus experiments in Wuhan wrote to thank him for the help. That man, Peter Daszak, complained to Fauci that the American tax dollars he'd taken for these experiments were being "publicly targeted by Fox News reporters." Yet he remained grateful for Tony Fauci's support. 

"I just wanted to say a personal thank you on behalf of our staff and collaborators," he wrote. 

Strangely, most of this specific email from Daszak to Fauci has been redacted under FOIA section (b)(7)(A). That specific exemption to disclosure applies to: "records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that production could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings." 

Are Dazak and Fauci under criminal investigation?

Tucker Carlson: Is Dr. Fauci under criminal investigation? | Fox News

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